Lawyer Beschetnov Maxim Vladimirovich

The Bar Association "Grozny and Partners"
Beschetnov Maxim Vladimirovich

Beschetnov Maxim Vladimirovich

Basic information

  • Specialization: Lawyer in civil cases, Criminal defense lawyer
  • City: Kaliningrad
  • Phone: +7(4012)722-441 ext 510
  • Email address:

Maxim Vladimirovich Besschetnov, born in 1979. I have a higher legal education. Since 2002, the lawyer of the Kaliningrad Regional Bar Association, since 2007, the lawyer of the law office "Solomon", since 2012, the lawyer of the Specialized Bar Association of Kaliningrad. Currently, I am a lawyer of the Kaliningrad Bar Association "Grozny and Partners".

From 2009 to 2013 he was a teacher of labor law.

During the period of my legal activity, I have conducted many very complex civil and criminal cases and realized that the most high-quality assistance to people can only be provided if a lawyer specializes in specific branches of law and is engaged in narrowly focused activities. Only with this approach to the case, the lawyer is able to monitor the changing laws in these industries, as well as the frequently changing judicial practice. As a result, he has now begun to specialize in the following categories of cases:

  • criminal law (fraud, embezzlement, embezzlement, theft, official crimes, crimes against traffic safety)
  • family law (recovery of alimony, disputes related to the upbringing of children, establishment, contesting paternity, division of marital property, etc.)
  • labor law (reinstatement at work, collection of wage arrears, etc.)
  • inheritance law (disputes related to the acquisition of inheritance rights to property, etc.)
  • civil law (recognition of ownership of property, contesting transactions, recovery of debts and losses as a result of non-fulfillment of contracts).
  • recovery of material damage in case of an accident.

Uniting in a cohesive team, the lawyers of our Collegium, mobilizing the accumulated professional experience in various branches of law, will achieve the best result for you!

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